The most important principles adopted that form the basis for all protocols are:

The most important principles adopted that form the basis for all protocols are: The greater the spread of the disease and the extent of gravity, the greater the need to treat more intensity and strength, any treatment consisting of a larger number of medications, in larger doses, and for a longer period. Once every few years, is to evaluate the work according to the treatment protocols based on the results: the lessons and improve treatment, so that the orientation: a minimum of treatment in cases that seem simple, and treatment of a broader and more comprehensive in the cases shown in tests Preliminary results are not satisfactory. During the last decade there have been a revolution in the understanding of the genetic structure and molecular biology of Wilms' tumor. Today, there is a lot of information about the number of genes, especially 11 and 17 associated with the emergence of the disease, it is possible to lead this understanding to enhance the prospects for a full recovery from the disease.

Treat kidney tumor

Treat kidney tumor There has been during the last 50 years, a significant increase on the healing rates of Wilms' tumor, which turned from a fatal disease to disease it completely cured about 90% of the patients. This stems progress in the treatment of improved methods of surgery and radiotherapy, but basically, as a result of the integration of these treatments with chemotherapy that is injected through a vein, which prevents the complications or transmission of the disease to the lungs and bones. During the last thirty years, the treatment of patients with Wilms' tumor according to protocols agreed between the major research groups: such as the National Study and Rohm and Wilms (The National Wilms Tumor Study - NWTS) (NWTS) in the United States, and the International Society of Oncology (International Society of Pediatric Oncology - SIOP) in Europe.

Diagnose Nierentumor

Diagnose Nierentumor Achten Sie darauf, das Vorhandensein eines Tumors im Unterleib durch Computertomographie, wie die (CT) oder Ultraschall der Bauchbereich. Nach der Prüfung wird durchgeführt, um den Tumor und Bauch-Prüfung wieder zu entfernen, um das Ausmaß der Ausbreitung der Krankheit und der Schwere des Tumors zu bestimmen, und damit eine entsprechende Behandlung.

Symptome von Nieren-Tumor der

Symptome von Nieren-Tumor der Dieser Tumor ist in einer Generation fast drei Jahren diagnostiziert. Oft warnen Eltern auf das Vorhandensein eines Tumors Masse in den Bauch während einer Babyparty oder für Erwachsene zu tragen. Andere Markenzeichen mit der Krankheit verbunden sind: Bauchschmerzen, Wasserlassen mit Blutungen, ist hoch Wärme nicht gerechtfertigt, Bluthochdruck und Übermüdung. Ich habe einige Patienten, die Wilms-Tumor waren, Anzeichen von Fehlern, wie das Verschwinden des Schülers oder Defekte in den Harnwegen oder sogar geistige Retardierung und andere ...

Was ist die renale Tumor

Was ist die renale Tumor Tumor Nieren-, oder im Namen von Ruhm und Wilms-Tumor (Wilms), ist die häufigsten Arten von bösartigen Tumoren College verbreitet bei Kindern. Was macht 6% aller bösartigen Tumoren, die Kinder betreffen.